RGB 245 126 182. CMYK 0 60 0 0. In the RGB color model 003082 is comprised of 0 red 1882 green and 5098 blue. Swatch Cards of the same color can be sent to multiple production sites around the globe and aid in the coordination of multi-component programs. Convert Pantone 14-3949 TCX Xenon Blue color into RGB Hex and CMYK values. Buy now from the Pantone official website - hundreds of color tools in stock for graphic design print fashion textiles and home. Please note that RGB HexHTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. Actual 4x8 inch cotton fabric swatches of individual Pantone Fashion and Home colors. MyPerfectColor has accurately reproduced upwards of 14000 Pantone Colors in an array of different paints such as spray paint quarts gallons and more and as an official licensee of Pantone we are authorized to match and produce any colors for any application. In the HSL color space b7c0d7 has a hue of 223 degrees 29 saturation and 78 lightness.
Provides the most accurate and effective way to communicate and specify color choices to clients and manufacturers. Military paint distributor offering next day shipping on 300 colors of Mil-DTL-85285D Polyurethane and 60 key CARC and other Mil-Spec products. Each sheet includes a printed grid on the back for chipping with corresponding color name and. PANTONE SMART 14-3949X Color Swatch Card Xenon Blue. Designed to illustrate the appearance of color on product TPG Sheets are available for all 2310 of the Fashion Home Interiors colors as full 85 x 11 sheets of lacquer coating on paper. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. Please note that RGB HexHTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. Fashion Home Interiors Cotton Passport. The More You Buy The More You Save. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 470. Each dyed cloth piece is folded back on itself to make a 4x4 inch two-ply presentation in a hermetically sealed UV protective envelope. CMYK 100 87 0 20. Provides the most accurate and effective way to communicate and specify color choices to clients and manufacturers. MyPerfectColor has accurately reproduced upwards of 14000 Pantone Colors in an array of different paints such as spray paint quarts gallons and more and as an official licensee of Pantone we are authorized to match and produce any colors for any application. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for. PANTONE SMART 14-3949X Color Swatch Card Xenon Blue. Used by fashion designers and interior decorators to communicate with clients and. Shop for Pantone 14-3949 TCX Xenon Blue samples and products on Pantone. Do not distort the proportion of the logos or.
The More You Buy The More You Save. Convert Pantone 14-3949 TPX Xenon Blue color into RGB Hex and CMYK values. Provides the most accurate and effective way to communicate and specify color choices to clients and manufacturers. The hexadecimal color code b7c0d7 is a light shade of blue. Below is an anatomy chart of the Vincennes University horizontal and vertical logo. CMYK 0 60 0 0. PANTONE 14-3949TCX - 千通彩色库官网. Actual 4x8 inch cotton fabric swatches of individual Pantone Fashion and Home colors. CMYK 100 87 0 20. Pantone Cotton Swatch 14-3949 Xenon Blue.
Shop for Pantone 14-3949 TPX Xenon Blue samples and products on Pantone. The hexadecimal color code 003082 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. RGB 77 145 198. The More You Buy The More You Save. Pantone Cotton Swatch 14-3949 Xenon Blue. Swatch Cards of the same color can be sent to multiple production sites around the globe and aid in the coordination of multi-component programs. Designed to illustrate the appearance of color on product TPG Sheets are available for all 2310 of the Fashion Home Interiors colors as full 85 x 11 sheets of lacquer coating on paper. Learn More Add To Cart. CMYK 100 87 0 20. In the RGB color model b7c0d7 is comprised of 7176 red 7529 green and 8431 blue.